During its long history, Rome has been able to amass an enormous amount of historically and artistically valuable wealth. It is simply not possible to capture all this beauty in a single approach. Even if you set aside a whole month for such a study, at best you can only skim the surface of the history of Rome. And in order to somehow become a partaker of this great holiday for the curious, we advise you to first relax after arriving in Rome, and then study it.
The executor of desires
Rome is always full of people who want to solve all their problems in one fell swoop. This is where the Trevi Fountain can help. To do this, you just need to make a wish and throw a coin into the fountain – preferably in its very center. At the same time, it is necessary to observe some ritual by throwing a coin over the left shoulder. No one knows whether the wish will come true or not, but by the number of coins that dotted the bottom of the fountain, one can judge that there are many people who believe that their valuable wish will come true in a real way.
An old Italian comedy film illustrates what was said to the smallest detail. In the film, the Trevi Fountain was sold to an American tycoon. The main character in the film was played by Toto, who, in the most confidential conversation, told the American tycoon about the “rich” fountain, who, having calculated the cost of the “bonanza” of the fountain itself, organizing its security, came to the conclusion that the deal was worth the candle. It is said that this story told in the film was based on real events. Not so long ago, the police of Rome had to deal with annoying catchers who wanted to get monetary wealth from the fountain. There was even one successful “entrepreneur” named D’Artagnan, whose fortune reached a thousand dollars a day, caught by him from the bottom of the fountain.
Now the fountain is monitored around the clock, and all the money raised from its bottom goes to the AIDS Foundation. The fountains of the historic center of Rome, starting from the Piazza Navona and up to the Spanish Square, are fed with water from the water supply of the Virgin. Above the Trevi Fountain there is an image that tells the viewer how the source of water was opened for many fountains in Rome. In the image, the girl shows the soldiers of Emperor Augustus the place where a plentiful source of water then beat. Women are sure that this story was not without a love background and associate it with the name of the Trevi Fountain as the Fountain of Love.

Probably, from those ancient times, Rome used to look at the surroundings with contempt, since the rest of the world was considered barbaric for the Romans. Everything outside the walls of Rome is barbaric. Today, the Romans are not used to wasting themselves on the conventions of everyday life, which may be why they look somewhat rude and lazy in comparison with the representatives of the Italian hinterland.