When planning to go to Foggy Albion, the most inquisitive travelers try to choose for themselves such tours that would involve visiting not only London and the largest British cities, but also relatively small and not very popular places among tourists. For those who want to get acquainted with the life of the British hinterland, take a break from everyday worries and troubles, have a great Christmas, England is interesting precisely for provincial towns, one of which is Chesterfield.
It is located in the very center of England, in the county of Derbyshire, where the Hipper River flows into the Rother River. According to the latest British statistics, today the population of Chesterfield is approximately 100,000 people, which is quite a lot by local standards. It is located in a very picturesque place, surrounded by magnificent landscapes, and is very popular among foreign tourists.
City Founding
When exactly Chesterfield was founded – historians have not yet been able to establish. As for the very first written mention of this settlement, it dates from 1204 and states that it was granted the right to hold fairs every Friday, Saturday and Monday. Over the course of several centuries, Chesterfield developed, although quite slowly, but quite consistently, and its heyday came after a railway line passed through it in the middle of the 19th century, linking the cities of Leeds and Derby.
Today Chesterfield is a typical provincial English town, characterized by a calm and unhurried rhythm of life. It is located at a distance of about 200 kilometers from the English capital, and therefore travelers who purchase individual tours to London can easily reach it by train or regular intercity bus within no more than two to three hours. In fairness, it should be noted that there are not very many architectural sights in Chesterfield, but, in general, it leaves a very pleasant impression and subsequently tourists do not regret visiting it at all.
Legendary Project Structure

The symbol and hallmark of the city is the Church of St. Mary and All Saints, located in its very center and built in the XIV century. It is notable for the top of its bell tower, which has an unusual spiral shape and deviates from the vertical axis by about three meters.
Why the architect who designed this structure chose this solution is unknown. Many legends and beliefs are associated with this temple, which are told by local guides to guests of Chesterfield. Not far from the Church of St. Mary and All Saints rises a small town hall, built in the second half of the 19th century in the Victorian style. Walking through the city center, travelers can see many remarkable old buildings, visit shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs.
City History Museum
Curious tourists who are interested in the history and culture of Great Britain definitely look into the Chesterfield City Museum, located in a very remarkable building built in 1879. Its rich and interesting exposition tells about the history of the city and the region from the time of the Roman conquest to the present day. In the immediate vicinity of the city is the Renishaw estate, surrounded by a wonderful garden and hedges.
Going to the magnificent British city of Chesterfield is now not difficult. In a country like England, a tour operator that has been successfully operating in the market for a long time offers its customers a wide variety of tours, and in recent years their cost has decreased significantly, and such voyages have become quite “affordable” for almost all Russians with an average income level.