Britain is an amazing country that the vast majority of the population associates with the queen, tea and wet rainy weather. It is noteworthy that everything is the opposite here, in particular, car traffic is left-handed. Therefore, it will be interesting for everyone to study interesting facts about Britain. In Britain, 2 separate taps for hot and cold water are common. Thus, for washing our compatriot, there is nothing left but to close the sink with a cork, open 2 taps and enjoy water procedures. Of course, such a process is not very convenient, but its true reason for such an order remains a mystery.
Rainy climate
Contrary to preconceived notions, it doesn’t always rain in England. If we compare the climate with other parts of the world, then Britain has quite comfortable weather. The average temperature in winter is 0-6 degrees Celsius, and in summer it can rise up to 24 degrees. In terms of rainfall, England is in 46th place. Despite the fact that the United States ranks 25th, it is not called a rainy country. Most likely, the reason lies in the increased duration of the winter period compared to the summer. That is why a deceptive impression of consistently bad weather is created. Speaking of climatic features, the British are quite a sultry people. The photographs often show the British in summer clothes in winter. The frost resistance of the population is amazing, although in the conditions of a real Russian winter, the British would most likely behave differently. Continuing the theme of the weather. The British simply love to talk about this topic, it is not for nothing that such a thing as “English weather-talk” appeared. It is customary to start an acquaintance and appeal to a stranger with such questions. Also, the discussion about the weather outside the window is filled with awkward pauses in the conversation, and loved ones love to talk about this topic. Moreover, a friendly attitude on the part of the British is guaranteed if the conversation does not start with the banal “How do you do”, but with a mention of morning rain, bright sun or high cloudiness.
Working as a taxi driver

There are more than one thousand streets of different sizes in London. Therefore, getting a job as a taxi driver is not so easy, not to mention hiring foreign citizens. Local services arrange real test exams for knowledge of the location of objects and houses.
Famous Big Ben
Big Ben – the symbol of London and Great Britain, is not just a clock tower. For the British, such statements offend national feelings. First of all, Big Ben is a bell that weighs about 14 tons. It is located right behind the huge dial, so it does not fall into the field of view.
The English are quite secretive people. It is not customary for them to immediately give their name during an acquaintance, not to mention other personal information (place of residence, marital status, etc.). Even if you introduce yourself, you can hear something polite in response from a true Englishman. At the same time, he will diligently hide his name. Along with this, the British people are characterized by curiosity, they willingly talk on abstract topics. For such purposes, a special game “Guessing-game” was invented, in which truthful answers should be given to leading questions, although not always straightforward. The English dream is fundamentally different from the American one. The vast majority of the English want to acquire their own estate and devote all their time to gardening. Therefore, the controversial British people are quite peculiar, but this does not prevent them from being friendly and hospitable.