History In the Middle Ages it was a small village. Quite often it was attacked and in the 16th century, during the war between England and France, the village was completely burned by the French. In the 17th century, the village of Brighton appeared on this site, but during a severe storm, most of the buildings were washed away. Gradually, the village recovered, thanks to Dr. R. Russell, who recommended Brighton to his patients for recovery, because. considered the local air curative. So the city turned into the best resort

Interesting facts about Britain
Britain is an amazing country that the vast majority of the population associates with the queen, tea and wet rainy weather. It is noteworthy that everything is the opposite here, in particular, car traffic is left-handed. Therefore, it will be interesting for everyone to study interesting facts about Britain. In Britain, 2 separate taps for hot and cold water are common. Thus, for washing our compatriot, there is nothing left but to close the sink with a cork, open 2 taps and enjoy water procedures. Of course, such a process

Tours in Chesterfield, UK
When planning to go to Foggy Albion, the most inquisitive travelers try to choose for themselves such tours that would involve visiting not only London and the largest British cities, but also relatively small and not very popular places among tourists. For those who want to get acquainted with the life of the British hinterland, take a break from everyday worries and troubles, have a great Christmas, England is interesting precisely for provincial towns, one of which is Chesterfield. Population It is located in the very center of England, in

17 Fantastic Facts About England
England is the most populous country in the United Kingdom. The other countries that make up the United Kingdom are Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Here are some interesting facts and facts about England. 1) England is 74 times smaller than the USA, 59 times smaller than Australia and 3 times smaller than Japan. However, England is 2.5 times more populous than Australia and 1.5 times more populous than California. 2) About 20 million tourists visit England every year. 3) 25% of Londoners were born outside the UK. They

University Oxford – Best Facts
Oxford is a favorite destination for tourists looking for a day trip from London or a quiet alternative to the busy metropolis. The renowned university town attracts thousands of tourists every year due to its associations with modern fantasy, especially Alice in Wonderland and the Harry Potter films. Oxford University – Best Facts 1. Oxford is known as “the city of dream spiers“, a term coined by the poet Matthew Arnold. 2. Oxford is a city in England. It lies on the river Thames. 3. Some of Oxford’s buildings were